Benisha (aka Bennie), a current 11th grader, has been a part of the Science Club for Girls community since she was 9 years old. Starting out as a participant in our K-8 Science Clubs, Bennie loved the program and was disappointed when she went on to high school and thought she could no longer take part in the exciting and enriching activities offered by Science Club for Girls. That is, until she found out that she could become a Junior Mentor:
“I got a flier at my old school looking for Mentors and thought ‘oh I could do that!’ Then I got hooked and I’ve been doing it ever since. Now I get to do it virtually, which has allowed me to stay on during high school.”
Through the years, Bennie has participated in both in-person and virtual Science Clubs, guided younger students as a Junior Mentor, and played a significant role leading our Summer Rockery Program. Her passions for science and being a role model for future young scientists were recently highlighted by Women’s Foundation of Boston (WFBoston) and Beaver Country Day School.
Earlier this month, WFBoston hosted the Make Her Mark gala event at the Museum of Science, Boston. The evening included discussions with prominent women STEM leaders such as Dr. Paula Johnson, President of Wellesley College, Dr. Laurie Glimcher, President and CEO of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and emerging leaders such as our very own Benisha. Bennie was interviewed that evening by Linda Henry, CEO of the Boston Globe, and shared with the audience her passion for aerospace and computer science and the many ways SCFG has supported her educational and career goals over her many years with the organization.
Prior to the gala, her high school—Beaver Country Day School—wrote a piece about Bennie’s strong passions for studying aerospace, being a Junior Mentor, and how Science Club for Girls has had such a significant impact on her life. On mentoring she explains, “At the first club meeting, the students are all quiet. Then there’s a whole transformation and everyone starts talking. On Zoom, everyone is typing in the chat. They get more confident and it’s so cool to see.”
Thank you Bennie, for taking advantage of every opportunity SCFG has to offer and truly setting an example for future generations of scientists and engineers! We are excited to continue supporting your aspirations through and beyond your time here at Science Club for Girls.