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Virtual Programming

Learn about SCFG's Response to COVID-19

The Covid-19 pandemic has caused incredible disruption, stress, and uncertainty for the families, girls, and mentors who participate in SCFG, many of whom are among those most affected by this crisis. We continue adapting to support our community in news ways—offering virtual programming and a variety of online resources and opportunities for girls to stay connected with each other and continue their STEM learning. Understanding that families have differing capacities, we've compiled a range of options to serve girls' needs—always with a focus on relationships, community, and their social and emotional wellbeing.


Read below to learn more about SCFG's Virtual Programming, and how our community is staying connected and engaged during this difficult year.

Virtual Fall Science Clubs         Live Science Show     Virtual Rocketry Program    SCFG at Home      Read, Review, Repeat
  Virtual Science Clubs (Spring)      Saturday Zoom Sessions (Spring)     Resources for Families 

Since mid-March 2020, Science Club for Girls has adapted quickly and creatively to offer virtual programs and continue serving girls in grades K-12 to succeed in STEM and beyond. Our young scientists have shown incredible resilience and determination to keep learning, lifting each other up, and pursuing their dreams.
VIRTUAL Fall Science Clubs

Travel around the world (virtually) this fall with Science Club for Girls as we tackle all kinds of engineering challenges in our Virtual Science Clubs, for girls grades K- 8. Programming will take place over ZOOM once a week, over an 8-week semester, starting in early October. Programming is FREE, Activities are hands-on, and all materials are provided. Learn more and apply today! 

Virtual Fall Clubs
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Live Science Show: #SCFGLive!

On Fridays at 4:00 pm, Science Club for Girls hosts a weekly LIVE science show #SCFGLIVE on Facebook Live!


Enjoy fun, interactive experiments for scientists of all ages. (especially great for kids grades K-5) With Hannah, Mr. Music, Dr. Marbles—and special guests—you'll explore everything from explosions, to space, to the science of color! 


To join, simply gather your materials and visit our Facebook page Fridays at 2:00 pm. Click below to learn more and watch previous episodes.

SCFG Live!
Virtual Rocket Camp
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Virtual Summer Rocketry Program!


This summer, Science Club for Girls ran a free, 2-week VIRTUAL rocket program to nineteen rising 6 - 9th graders! Young scientists participated via Zoom to build their own rockets—which they launched at the end of the program at in-person socially-distant rocket launches. In addition to building their own rockets, they participated in astronaut physical training, designed moon-based facilities, and met real-life space scientists during an inspiring career panel. Click below to learn more!

SCFG at Home

Click below for a list of STEM activities you can do from home. Check back weekly for new material, and be sure to follow our Facebook page to see the "STEM activity of the week" in action and tag yours with #SCFGatHome.

SCFG at Home

Read, Review, Repeat! 


During this time when schools and libraries are closed, we're excited to partner with Tumblehome Books to offer FREE BOOKS to our community through their 3Rs Program: Read, Review, Repeat! Once you receive your free book, read it, review it on, and repeat the process (as many times as you want!) by picking another new, free book to read. You get to keep the books and build your library. There is no cost to the reader (shipping is free) and no obligation at any time in the process.

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Virtual Science Clubs (Spring 2020)


This past spring, SCFG Mentors and Junior Mentors led Virtual Science Clubs for our K-8 participants via closed Zoom sessions, on Thursday and Saturday afternoons. Participants engaged in hands-on experiments, such as designing and and building aluminum boats and learn about displacement and buoyancy. They 'Skyped a Scientist' to learn all about nutrition and explored chromatography with simple materials found at home. Middle-school-aged STEMinistas learned about computer programming using SCRATCH during our Virtual Coding Club. 

Virtual Clubs
Zoom Sessions

Saturday Mentoring Sessions (Spring 2020)


This spring, SCFG Junior Mentors, STEMinistas, and Mentors met virtually twice a month by Zoom for virtual Q&A mentoring sessions on topics such as career development and college readiness. We hosted sessions on "Being a Scientist," "What's it like to be in high school?" and "Preparing for College." In response to participants' feedback, STEM resources for our Mentors and Junior Mentors are now available on our Resources page.  


Resources for Families and Parents 


We've gathered a list of resources for adult caregivers—from emergency relief funds and food assistance, to how to talk to your girls about COVID-19 and support their social-emotional wellbeing during this time. Click below to access resources—both general and specific to residents of Cambridge, Boston, and Somerville—which we will continue to update on a regular basis. Please contact a member of our staff at 617-391-0361 or if you need assistance.

Resources for Families

Support girls' virtual learning today! 

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